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Prani - The Pet Sanctuary

Updated: May 8, 2023

Spread across four-and-a-half acres of land, the pet sanctuary is located near Kanakpura road in Bengaluru Prani- The pet Scantuary is home to over 700+ animals and birds. It is an animal centric education space where a team builds trust, compassion and love between animals and humans away from the hustle- bustle of urban settings.

The pet sanctuary has been established by Sanjeev Pednekar, a herpetologist and conservationist who has worked with the likes of Romulus Whitaker, and Kartik Prabhu, who has more than 13 years of experience in wildlife rescue, relocation and rehabilitation. So, you know you are going to learn plenty on your trip here.

Prani, an interactive pet sanctuary is located slightly outside the city, some distance from Kanakpura Road. People who visit the amazing sanctuary can spend two hours in the sanctuary and take a guided tour around to hear stories of every animal. The other activity which they do is working with schools where they explain every scientific aspect of animals without using conventional methods.

We visited them around 2:45,after booking a 3pm batch online at a minimal rate of 400/person on their official website . The tour is for 2hrs 30 mins divided into 3 batches. The animals are mostly rescued from different parts of the world and within India and are well taken care of. We get to touch, feel, pet and feed most of the animals.A tour of Prani was like stepping into one of Gerald Durrell's books! From exotic Terrapins and iguanas to the common donkey, this place shelters a variety of rescued creatures. The animals are being cared with much devotion by the guides cum caretakers, who happen to be very well-informed.

At the very beginning, you meet gerbils, mice, and hedgehogs. Your guide will teach you how to interact with them and also share stories of origin. Next, you move on to a small but thrilling aviary. This is Bangalore’s only aviary where you get to walk through and actually touch and feed the birds. Here you’ll meet colourful parakeets and other winged creatures who’ll happily sit on your shoulder and even nibble away at your ears. The rest of the farm is home to larger animals.

There’s Maya – the tall royal horse who demands to be fed. There are emus whose slightly waxy feathers you can ruffle. And terrapins, rescued for local lakes, who bask quietly in the sun. You can also hang out with donkeys, rabbits, chickens, and ducks. Needless to say, Prani is especially popular with the kiddies but the adults will have an equally fun time too.

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